EGG - Gallery of Colors Thessaloniki and
25 Years of IUOMA Mail Art Exhibit-
2 May, 2013, International Day of Colors,
Theme: FREE with EGG shape
Size: 10 x 15 cm (postcard) until A4 (21 x 29 cm)
Technique: FREE only original art, no digital copies
No Jury - No return - Family Friendly, No offensive material .
Deadline: April 23, 2013
Send to:
Afrodite Karamanli
48 Gambetta
54642 Thessaloniki
Mail art received by April 23, 2013 will be part of the events and exhibit for
International Day of Colors in Thessaloniki, and also will be for the exhibit
in Aitolitko, Greece, at "ergogallery" of Grigoris and Michalis Kotsari,
on August 16, 2013, in honor of the 25 Years of IUOMA.